This month is going to be Out of This World! We are going to use this fun and exciting theme to help teach preschoolers about the most amazing thing ever, which turns out isn’t a thing at all. No! He’s a person! You know who I’m talking about – Jesus! We are teaching preschoolers that Jesus is amazing! And, we’re doing it by sharing stories about some of Jesus’ amazing miracles.
Jesus displayed an amazing understanding of God when He was at the temple as just a young boy. The people who heard Him were amazed! Jesus calmed a storm with just a word. Amazing! Jesus filled fishermen’s nets with fish. Amazing! Jesus healed a blind man with mud and spit. Amazing!
This world, well this universe, is filled with amazing things, but nothing will ever be more amazing than the One who created it all. Jesus is amazing, and we want our preschoolers to know it!
January Curriculum:
Week One (January 3)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus’ teaching is amazing.
Jesus Teaches at the Temple • Luke 2:41-50
Memory Verse: “Everyone who heard him was amazed.” Luke 2:47, NIV
Key Question: Who is amazing?
Bottom Line: Jesus is amazing.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus’ teaching is amazing. Week one, we will hear about Jesus teaching in the Temple as a boy. He amazed all of the people who heard Him with His understanding of God at such a young age. Jesus is amazing!
Week Two (January 10)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus’ healing is amazing.
The Four Friends • Mark 2:1-12
Memory Verse: “Everyone who heard him was amazed.” Luke 2:47, NIV
Key Question: Who is amazing?
Bottom Line: Jesus is amazing.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus’ healing is amazing. In week two, we will hear the story of four friends who carried their friend who couldn’t walk to Jesus. They were so determined to see Jesus that they climbed to the roof and lowered their friend down, because they couldn’t get to Jesus through the crowd. Their determination allowed Jesus to perform a miracle and heal their friend! Jesus is amazing!
Week Three (January 17)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus’ power is amazing.
Calming the Storm • Matthew 8:23-27
Memory Verse: “Everyone who heard him was amazed.” Luke 2:47, NIV
Key Question: Who is amazing?
Bottom Line: Jesus is amazing.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus’ power is amazing. In this week’s teaching, we find Jesus and the disciples in a boat in the middle of a raging storm. Have no fear though! Jesus has power over nature, and He used it to calm the storm. Even the disciples were asking, Who is this that even has power over the wind and waves? Jesus! That’s Who! And, Jesus is amazing!
Week Four (January 24)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus’ miracles are amazing.
Catching Fish • Luke 5:1-10
Memory Verse: “Everyone who heard him was amazed.” Luke 2:47, NIV
Key Question: Who is amazing?
Bottom Line: Jesus is amazing.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus’ miracles are amazing. Week four, we see Jesus do a miracle in the midst of common, everyday fishermen. When they threw their nets out, they caught nothing. When Jesus told them to throw their nets out again, they caught so many fish their nets began to break! Jesus is amazing!
Week Five (January 31)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus is amazing.
Healing the Blind Man • John 9:1-12
Memory Verse: “Everyone who heard him was amazed.” Luke 2:47, NIV
Key Question: Who is amazing?
Bottom Line: Jesus is amazing.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus is amazing. We will end the month with Jesus again doing only what He can do—healing a blind man and making his eyes see again. But, Jesus doesn’t just do these amazing things. Jesus is amazing